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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Journeying through life

Would we have been scared, excited, unsure, exhilarated if we had known what the future holds for us as a young adult? Maybe all of the above, but we might not have had the courage to go on or on the other hand to storm ahead and don't learn the lessons that life has in store for you.

God knows best not to reveal the future but He promises that He will be there to guide us if we put our hand in His. It makes the journey so much more safe even in those times when life knocks you down and you barely can lift up your head and so much more joyful when your cup runneth over.

Enjoy your journey, and don't forget to be glad at the beginning of a new day and to give thanks at the end of a day.

I am 'stealing' a quote from a friend...

When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. (Wayne Dyer)


Alfred Smith said...

Leonie and I are 100% with you in your search for the simple life close to God. Keep going...

Carina said...

It is so much easier and more fulfilling!! Thanks, same to you! :)

Ingrid de Villiers said...

Love this post Carina! It is so true! Thanks...Ixx

Diary From Africa said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog in Kilimanjaro, East Africa - nice to have found yours, too !

Carina said...

Thanks Lynda. Kili was the attraction... but am very excited to share your African life with you and your family. One of my 'bucket list' places to visit. Born in Africa always an African!!