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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gustaf is visiting (part 1)

Gustaf arrived on the 3rd December. And the dynamics of the household changed instantaneously. Like Elaine, a friend said when her 2 Uni boys arrived for the holidays, 'They do take up a lot of space'. I so agree with that statement! More noise, more washing, more clutter and more dishes and lots more fun!! It has been 11 months since we saw him last and the family reunion was GREAT!!

Here are some pictures of our time spend together up till now. I might have to create new posts/headings ever so often to make it easier to manipulate.

First day in Sydney

There are thousands of Flying Foxes/fruit bats hanging in the trees in the Botanical Gardens. It is quite a sight to see them fly off at dusk to go and feed.


The sulfur crested cockatoo is very common and reminds me of the noisy Hadedas in RSA. If ever, please not, I am not living here would I also miss them like I missed the hadedas when living in Spain.
I think one pays $80 to walk across Sydney Harbour Bridge. One is attached to railings with a harness. Next time...?

Sydney is magic at night. The picture of the people at the Opera House is taken late afternoon on a Saturday. Some are leisurely awaiting a show while others just walk around, enjoying the surrounds.

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