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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Citizens of the world

Friends of friends are visiting us for a few days.

I am sure it is a very familiar occurance for ex-pats. A friend or friends of you are going to a certain part of the world and you just happen to have 'a friend' living there... Great, and new friendships are made!! How wonderful.

Well I am very sure if we do, or rather when we go to Holland as part of a trip to Europe our 'new friends' will welcome us with open arms and be very eager to share their lovely country with us.

Another dear friend of mine from Florida, USA, is presently visiting a friend in Holland and last week she was visiting another in France. None of the two ladies has she ever met. They are both friends on her blog, both South Africans, and the friendships have grown to two invitations. Amazing!!!! What shall we DO without internet in our lives...?? And better still, do without friendships!!

Just want to let you know that you are always welcome to send a friend along,  because our lives have just become a little more complete and richer for getting to know this lovely family from Holland. (better still, you come and visit yourself) And did we 'kuier' (visit) !  All in Dutch and Afrikaans :)

                           A forest full of friends...

      ...different like the bathers at Bondi beach...
  ...colourful like the flowers from my garden...

"Those who live in the Lord never see each other for the last time."


Kristin said...

Hi Carina! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your "thankfuls" over at Windy Poplars. I loved your post on internet friendships and getting to meet people face to face. I would love to be able to do that one day! Travel around and meet all the wonderful ladies behind the "screen"! I hope you're having a great day so far...enjoy your weekend!

Carina said...

Thanks Kristin, have a wonderful weekend too. Yes the world has become 'smaller' and much more interesting with all the opportunities awaiting us. Take care.

Ingrid de Villiers said...

Hi Carina
I loved this post "Citizens of the world" true about the internet...the world actually became "smaller" with the internet if you think where are those days that a letter overseas took sometimes a month and then one could only share your beautiful photographs with it is so much easier to share it with people all over the world! I love you blue and white vase with the colorful flowers!

Carina said...

Thanks Ingie. Blue and white vase is a coffee mug I bought in England at a small town market in 1996 when visiting friends.

Anonymous said...

Carina, thank u 4 opening your home 2 our dutch friends. They enjoyed it immensely! Was so nice 2 arrive there and find a warm house and open arms waiting!!