We celebrated with lots of other South African friends a mutual friend's 50th birthday a couple of weeks ago. I don't know when last have I been part of a group where all the people were Afrikaans speaking or could at least understand it perfectly. I didn't count but I think we were about 30 all together. What a great function it was. (Not because of the Afrikaans... :)) The family went to such a lot of trouble to show their Dad how much they love and appreciate him. Well done Alberts family!!!
Carin said that a friend said to them at their farewell party in Cape Town years ago, " There are wonderful friends waiting for you over in Sydney, you just haven't met them yet." And here they are a few years later and surrounded by so many friends. They are having a breakfast in spring with all their English speaking friends.
On our invitation Carin wrote, "You are not part of our past but definitely part of our future" (We've only known them for a few months). That was very special to me. One gives up so much when you leave your country behind and in our case SA and then Spain, that one some times feel discourage about the friendship factor and here we are already surrounded by great friends and are we looking forward to build a future with them all.
Last Saturday Carli had her group of friends here for her party and the house was full a girlie laughter and noise. What fun they had.
Last night I went to a grown up girlie night to celebrate Annemarie's 40th birthday. (Another new found friend with whom I am building a future with!) We were mostly friends from church and we went out to the Blu Grill and also made a lot of noise and had great food and fun. And to top it all, the Dutch team beat Brazil in soccer and was it a double celebration for Annemarie!! Whoopi Hoeks!! (And I have to put it in here, Rafa Nadal is through to the finals for another Wimbledon win!! Go Rafa go!!)
It's hard work to build new friendships but so rewarding. Thanks to all who is part of my life!!
Friends give colour to our lives
4 days ago
Hi Carina!
Nothing can beat a great happy gathering.
It was very nice to read your comment.
Hope you will come back to Spain some day!
We will! Many more places and people to discover and meet. Take care and enjoy all those beautiful sun and friendship filled days. Put on those 'sonrisa' faces :)
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