We have been in Australia just over 15 months and have seen a lot of Sydney and the immediate surrounds. We have been down the south coast and have explored a few other places outside of the Sydney council area. Our area is quite green and totally overpopulated by Eucalyptus trees. The area is also very hilly and it feels to me I can never see far enough or over the trees do appreciate a beautiful sunrise (hence the name Sonrisa for my blog) or a sunset. I like spread out areas and horizons! I definitely can breathe better in such areas. In Spain we talked about the vista.
One of the areas I am desperate to experience is The Kimberley in north Western Australia. It is a massive area (similar in size to California) and it has red sand and waving grass and amazing mountain ranges. I have put the link to the area and please go to the 'gallery' on the left and have a look. When I watch programs of the area on tv, do I actually experience a physical pain in my chest, can I call it a heartache.. it is soooo beautiful to me.
Long time still before we'll be able to see that part of our new adopted country, but surely we will.
Enjoy the pictures and also have a look at some of the interesting facts. This country is wild!!!
Enjoy the rest of your week end.
5 days ago
Carina, I have never been to Australia but if you keep on putting up posts and photographs of Australia you might see us in the future! He-he...
Don't say things 'glibly' Ingie, I just might hold you to your word!!! ALWAYS welcome and would love to introduce you to our country. xxx
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