(Remember to click on photo to enlarge it)
Two different views of Coin, our home town while we were in Spain.
Coin lies inland from the Costa del Sol, about 30km's from Marbella and 25 from Malaga.
Andy and his 2 daughters.
We were fortunate to have family fairly close by. Kobus (Gaby's brother), Miriam and the kids, Joshua and Kayla lives in Algeciras. We didn't see them often enough but had very good times together and the cousins got to know each other. It was good for the two brothers to connect again after many years of geographical separation. They as a family have a heart for the Muslims and are very active in various roles. Miriam is strong on child and women ministry. Believing with them that one day it can become a full time ministry.
During a Christmas holiday at Zagra.
Jean and Stuart were as loving and caring to us and I learned lots from our dear friends. Stuart is a gifted artist and they do love Jesus so much. They are eager workers and prayer warriors in the Kingdom.
Dom and Tanya had a little baby girl Isabella and now little Natalia has joined the family. An amazing hardworking, positive and hospitable family. We had many 'lekker' visits with them. Dom's childlike faith in Jesus has been an inspiration to us all.
Tanya and Isabella. Natalia is bigger than that now. Don't have any pics of her.
Dominic and Isabella on one of our numerous walks.
What would we have done without Henti and Antoon in Coin. Our rocks and very dear friends. They gave us some valuable lessons in our 'lacking cultural life', sharing their knowledge of food, wine, music, Spanish life, beautiful Spain, politics and life in general. We do miss our meals together on their patio with Coin's mountains in the background. Coin, Spain would have been a much poorer experience for us if it was not for them. We love them dearly. They also introduced us to some of their friends like Johan and Mari who we do dare to call friends now. Where will we see them next, in Spain or Cape Town? They are always eager to help! Carli met the author of the 'Liewe Heksie' childrens books, Verna Vels at Henti and Antoon's finca and felt very privelidged when 'Levinia' read a story to her.
The view from their lovely Finca de las Rosas.
Karen and her fincas..., if only I could have finca 2!!! My laughing buddy, strong in prayer and desperately desires to do God's will. Always ready to encourage and pray with you. We still have good laughs when we talk on skype.
Karen's finca in Iznajar. Many hours of hard labor to build up an old place into a beautiful guest house.
John and Maureen, my mom and dad in Spain. Pity they don't live there permanently. At least every visit was packed full. An amazing couple with humongous hearts and lots of wisdom. We shared many jokes and spiritual conversations. We love them so much and hopefully will see them here in Australia when they come and visit the family... :)
Enjoying the sun at their town house
in the Costa del Sol.
It was Autumn that specific day.
in the Costa del Sol.
It was Autumn that specific day.
Roel and Inge came into our lives with a bang and surely the time was too short to discover all of them. We had a few wonderful meals at their beautiful guest house up in Alozaina and it was also there that we spent our last night in Spain. And how bitterly cold it was. Hardworking, creative, hospitable, generous friends!! Looking forward to their visit next year!!
Inge (Juanita for the Spanish) happily cooking away in her Andalucian kitchen. A lot of Dutch influence.
Jonathan and Amanda our kind, nature loving, creative, gentle friends. They are living the simple but rich life that many desire. I do miss sitting on their patio and enjoying the vista and silence.
Then there was Jane and her boys Callum and Tommy. My colourful and never a dull moment friend. A woman with lots of courage and spunk. I miss our jokes.
I do not have a better picture of Jane and none of her tall handsome eldest son Callum.
Fernando, Daniella and Santiago are our friends from Argentina. He taught me to make gnochhi and philosophied with Gaby for hours using Spanish, English, Spanglish, body language and dictionaries to communicate. What precious people, such courage and positive attitudes. We wish them well!
The Argentinians love their mate', a herbal drink. Fernando was once stopped by the Guardia Civil because they thought he was drinking some 'potent' stuff.
Kevin and Lorraine with kids Andrew and Hannah were our 'living faraway friends', living down at the coast. We watched with them the Rugby World Cup last year, he is from the UK... :) We were so blessed by their generous hearts. Compassionate people with lots to give in the Kingdom. We wish them well in Ireland!!
Kevin must have known beforehand who to support.

Hannah their daughter showing who she was shouting for.
Olivia and Jessica in front of
their house in Torremolinos.
their house in Torremolinos.
Emma and Megan at their last sleep
over at our house before we left.
over at our house before we left.
Nate being the strong man. He needs
to be able to cope with all the
love he gets from his 4 older sisters.
Dave and Rita, also from YWAM, became also dear to us and gave us very valuable guidance and encouragement when we felt very lost and confused about our future. Amazing people! Time to visit your favorite city again Dave!!
Deon waiting for the ball during one of our many Sunday afternoon base ball games. Our suburb El Rodeo in the background.
There were many who passed through, some linger longer but all left something beautiful in our hearts. People like Chandy, an exciting, colourful and artistic friend, Sandra and Juan our Bohemian very arty friends from Barcelona, Craig and Debbie Cooke, he a South African and designing Golf courses, she from the USA and their lovely kids. Judy and Chris whom I cleaned house for. His hobby, collecting stamps (Philatelist, new word for me..) became his main source of income and she is always busy in her beautiful English garden in Spain. Chani with his bar where we had many cuppas and Andalucian breakfasts. Ron and Marian who took care of us when Gaby wasn't there yet. Graham and Cherryl, also South Africans who came just before we left. We had a few good, fun times together. We wish them well in the UK. Mar and her husband Freddy. She had a travel agency in town and could make the BEST paellas. He is a pathologist and they are originally from Galicia. So giving and helpful.
Craig and Debbi
Judy and Chris. Been in Coin,
Spain for close to 30 years.
Graham, Cherryl and the kids.
Grown ups having fun at
Carli's birthday party
her friends are all gone...
the 'after' party)
Some of Carli's mates
at a base ball game.
Thanks to you all for enriching our lives and making Spain an exciting time!!! We love and miss you!!
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