Am I ready to let go of 'Nkosi Sikele Africa..' I don't know, I am soooo proud to tell people I am a South African and an African for that matter but here I am in a new country who has opened her doors and arms to us and is giving us an opportunity no make a new life for us amongst her inhabitants.
Maybe it rather has to be be, embracing the new and appreciate and remember the past. One doesn't need to 'let go'.
I do hope some of you expats can identify with me and I would like to hear from you how you coped with all the unfamiliar emotions you are experiencing or had experienced.
Gaby often tells me we are sojourners, only passing through. But the reality is that there are so many things and people clinging to your heart and to the soles of your feet.
'Advance Australia Fair' is the refrain at the end of each verse and it will become my heart's refrain...in time I trust...in time.