Turning 50 was at first a daunting thought but then my mind opened up and I decided to tackle it head on and make something big of it. Maybe it is because we are settling into a new country, maybe it's because I've lost my brother when he was only 41, maybe it's because I wanted to share the day and my life with friends, maybe it's because there's so much more to do and see or maybe it's just because I am so grateful to be alive and are blessed beyond words.
All of the above!!
I had no family at the celebration, which was sad but lots of wonderful friends were there who have become my adopted family.
Our dear friends Debbie and Gavin opened up their home and hearts for us and we had a great time at their house.
I put together a slide show of my life. From baby days to present, all the things I have done before hubby and all the things we have done together as a family. It was great, accept that the time frame between each slide was too short and I couldn't elaborate on some pictures. Maybe it was a good thing because some friends might have gotten bored.
Then hubby surprised me and also had a sweet celebration slide show to my honour. He got some friends (all ex pats in other countries) to compile beautiful video clips and writings. It was so special, thanks again guys.
The best of all hubby got our son, Gustaf who studies in Cape Town, South Africa on skype. Gustaf said the nicest things to his mom in front of all present.
What a great time I had, thanks to all who came!!

Speach time - Looks like I said something funny...

Listening to Gustaf on skype

Watching hubby's slide show
I love my family:)
Missing you Gustaf!! Will take another family picture when you come in a few weeks time. xxx